The Grieving Process

Hospice of Holland is here to help. Our bereavement counselors are professionally trained and experienced in guiding individuals through the grieving process. Hospice of Holland provides a variety of grief support services at no charge. Grief counseling and bereavement support is available to families for 13 months after the death of their loved one.

Because overcoming grief can be complicated, Hospice of Holland provides short-term individual and family counseling related to grief, loss, and trauma. Sessions are based on the counselor’s assessment of need and are provided free of charge to both survivors of Hospice patients and to community members.

  • to strengthen the spirit

  • to soothe the body

  • to soothe the body

The Journey Of Overcoming Grief

Losing a loved one is one of the most painful experiences an individual faces. Although grief is a normal response to loss, it can be a distressing and often confusing process that touches every aspect of a person’s life.

Someone who is grieving may suffer from physical symptoms not limited to headaches, upset stomachs, exhaustion, or tightness in the chest or throat. Emotionally, they may also experience guilt, depression, irritability, absent-mindedness, or even anger with God or the person they’ve lost. Some may even feel numb.

Everyone grieves in their own way and in their own time. Along the way, individual symptoms and emotions may fluctuate and change without warning. Although experiencing grief is part of the healing process, it doesn’t have to be done alone. To get started with individual grief counseling, or to learn about any additional offerings at this time, contact one of our bereavement counselors by calling 616.396.2972.

Links to other organizations can be found here.

Hospice of Holland Bereavement

Helpful Hints for Grieving in the Holiday Season

#1: Helpful Hints for Grieving in the Holiday Season

#2 Helpful Hints: Managing Stress

#3 Helpful Hints: Finding Balance

#4: Rituals

#5 Helpful Hints: Remembering

A Season of Grief: How Can I Handle the Holidays?

Someone who is grieving may suffer

from physical symptoms not limited to headaches, upset stomachs, exhaustion, or tightness in the chest or throat.

Learn More About Hospice.

Contact Hospice of Holland regarding our services and we will help you and a loved one. No obligation.