Caring For Family And Friends
“I’m not here to tell you something you don’t know, that Hospice of Holland is an amazing organization with a heartfelt staff. Instead I want to share how deep their work really goes, what they do for those in need at a critical time in their lives and beyond that, what Hospice of Holland does for family and friends during this time.”
Dignity and peace were given to my grandpa in his greatest time of need and vulnerability, and by choosing Hospice of Holland, we did everything that we could for my grandpa.
Enjoying Every Moment Together
Her’s is just one, reflecting countless families’ experiences with Hospice of Holland. Her journey begins when she was a child growing up, as ‘cancer’ became a familiar word in her family: both Carrie’s brother and mother experienced their own battles with the terrible disease. As her mother’s condition worsened, Carrie was haunted with the fear of what came next.
High School Sweethearts
Ed & Mary Heyboer were high school sweethearts. The couple was married for 49 years, and loved to travel around the country in their fifth wheel and spend quality time together. Ed enjoyed tinkering with technology, and was heavily involved with the local amateur radio. Although he was diagnosed as legally blind at a young age, he never let that slow him down.
A Strong Provider
Daughter of Lloyd Schaap
Nancy’s father Lloyd Schaap was a family man through and through. He worked hard his entire life to provide for his wife and six children, never missing a day of work. He was a man of strong faith, courage, determination, all of which were evident even following his diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.
Living Pain Free
Keystone Medical Services Patient
LaRosa Esquivel was born and raised in the heart of Arkansas. While she was in her mid-twenties and raising two sons, her brother told her of the many opportunities that West Michigan offers. So she decided to make the move. boys were like ten and seven when we moved to Holland back in 1990,” LaRosa disclosed.
A Caregiver’s Story
Keystone Medical Services
Caregiver’s Story
Blanca Gutierrez is no stranger to caring for people. Working for 15 years as a RMA (Registered Medical Assistant), she has cared for hundreds of individuals. Nevertheless, when her father got sick, she felt as if she needed help.
A Daughter’s Hospice Story
Theo & Wincie
Theo and Wincie Wells were a shining example of how young love can grow and strengthen over decades. The couple was married for 68 years when in 2016, their love story came to a close due to Theo’s passing under the care of Hospice of Holland. Their daughter, Cindy, fondly recalls how special her parents were.
Here to Step In
A Husband’s Story
What Josh and Heather went through is unimaginable, and such an immense loss is heartbreaking. Nevertheless, the reality of their story is shared by so many. Hospice of Holland is here to step in when the unthinkable happens. We are incredibly grateful to Josh for sharing his family’s journey of love, courage, and loss.
Dignity and peace were given
to my grandpa in his greatest time of need and vulnerability and if, and by choosing Hospice of Holland, we did everything that we could for my grandpa.